1. Purpose

    To promote a model of excellence for practice of active birth

  2. Composition

    1. Midwife in independent practice representing the independent midwives or secundus
    2. Midwife academic appointed by the Professor of Nursing, UCT
    3. Medical consultant on the staff of Mowbray Maternity Hospital representing medical staff or secundus
    4. representative of the Mowbray Maternity hospital executive
    5. consumer representative

  3. Meetings

    1. The chair will be elected by the board and shall be a midwife
    2. Th board shall elect from amongst themselves a vice chair and a secretary
    3. Meetings will be held quarterly
    4. The secretariat will be provided by Mowbray Maternity Hospital

  4. Responsibilities

    1. To consider all matters of policy and development in relation to the ABU and to review these as necessary
    2. To develop and revise the recognition agreement for accreditation for midwives to use the ABU
    3. To accredit midwives to use the ABU facility
    4. To develop and revise any policies in relation to the ABU
    5. To act as a communication channel between MMH Management and the ABU
    6. To raise the profile of the ABU
    7. To facilitate good co-operation between all stakeholders involved in the ABU community
for more information contact: Prof S. Clow
Active Birth Unit - Mowbray Maternity Hospital
Private Bag, Mowbray, 7705, South Africa
tel: +27 21 685 3026  fax: +27 21 685 2991
Copyright © 2003 Mowbray Active Birth Unit